Whistle Blowing System
As part of the Company's internal control to achieve Good Corporate Governance, the Company has established a Whistle Blowing System (WBS) to report allegations of legal violations, breaches of company regulations, misconduct, fraud, or other actions that do not align with the ethics, values, or laws and regulations of the Company. These may be actions taken by or involving parties within the Company's organization, including the Company's subsidiaries.
Who Can Report Alleged Violations
Both external and internal parties (employees) of the Company/subsidiaries.
Types of Violations That Can Be Reported
- Corruption
- Bribery/gratification
- Extortion
- Theft/embezzlement/fraud
- Abuse of position/authority
- Abuse of position/authority
4W 1H Criteria and Initial Evidence
Reports submitted must meet the 4W1H criteria, as follows:
- What (what is the alleged violation known by the Reporter?)
- Where (where did the violation occur/take place?)
- When (when was the violation committed?)
- Who (who was involved in the violation?)
- How (how was the violation carried out?)
Reports must be accompanied by initial evidence (data, images, and recordings) that support and explain the alleged violation. Without initial evidence, the report will not be processed by the Company.
The Company guarantees the confidentiality of the reporter's identity.
Reporting Channels
The reporting channels provided by the Company to receive complaints from reporters are as follows:
Via Website:
Online Form: wbs.pakuwonjati.com
Via Mail
Addressed to:
- Jakarta :
WBS Report Management Team
PT Pakuwon Jati Tbk
Gandaria 8 Office Tower, 32nd Fl.
Jl. Sultan Iskandar Muda (Arteri Pondok Indah), Kebayoran Lama, South Jakarta
- Surabaya:
WBS Report Management Team
PT Pakuwon Jati Tbk
Pakuwon City Mall 5th Floor,
Jl. Kejawan Putih Mutiara No. 17, Surabaya
Complete WBS Policy Document: Download