In providing services to customers, the Company always ensure that the offered products and services are accessible to everyone, including those with disabilities. Therefore, the properties that the Company have developed are equipped with accessibility features for people with disabilities, such as rams for going up and down stairs, disabled toilet, and special parking space in the shopping centers that the Company manage. In addition, the Company also have equipped pedestrians with wheelchair lanes and tactile surfaces for the blind. The Company also offer special rooms for people with disabilities in the Company’s hotels, provide breastfeeding rooms in malls, apartments, offices, and hotels.


Product Safety

The Company implements Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and Minimum Service Standards (SPM) to provide security and convenience for customers. All products built and managed by the Company entirely have met relevant safety and regulatory standards and have had a strict monitoring and evaluation system, so their safety is guaranteed. Thus, during 2023 there were no non-compliance incidents related to product safety.


Product Innovation

The Company continuously strives to innovate products and services to obtain good quality products. In 2023, innovations made by the Company are continuing technological innovation for business processes and marketing activities, as well as equipment technology that can reduce energy use and emissions.


Product/service impact

All of the Company’s products marketed have gone through an assessment stage to determine the impact of the product/service. After being evaluated, all products will be provided with clear product knowledge information so that they can be distributed to customers through integrated marketing communications. During 2023 there were no incidents of non- compliance regarding product and service information and labeling as well as marketing communications.


Product Recalls

Until December 2023, there were no recalls of the Company’s products, so this information cannot be presented in this sustainability report.


Customer Satisfaction

To find out the level of customer satisfaction with the products and services offered, the Company, through Pakuwon Mall, conducts a customer satisfaction survey. In 2023, out of 14,497 customer respondents, more than 50% of respondents rated the Company’s products and services as very satisfying. The Following are the results of the Company’s customer satisfaction survey




Sangat Puas
Very Satisfied
Cukup Puas
Fairly Satisfied
Tidak Puas
Sangat Tidak Puas
Very Unsatisfied
2023 Survey dari 14,497 Responden
2023 A Survey of 14,497 Respondent
Kebersihan Toilet
Toilet Cleanliness
Kebersihan Koridor
Corridor Cleanliness
Rasa Aman
Sense of Secure
Lost & found52,923,018,52,63,0
Kemudahan Parkir
Sense of Secure
Kemudahan masuk/keluar kendaraan
Vehicle entry/exit convenience of Secure
Pakuwon Privilage Benefit57,322,314,31,94,2